2009年3月17日 星期二

tracking stats

Group Assignment: Post # 5

Businesses and individuals must be aware of the information security and ethical issues that come together with their dependence and frequent use of information systems.

Not knowing or caring about these issues may bring about loss of confidential information and lasting damage to their business reputation. In this post, you will talk about the following:

1) Think of 2 to 3 ways in which businesses may violate privacy or ethical rights without realizing it.

  • Spamming - Sending out thousands and even hundreds of thousands of unsolicited e-mails, a source of nuisance and a drain on productivity for individuals and businesses.
  • Web sites may track the activities of visitors, such as their spending and visiting habits. They may offer this information to advertisers without the knowledge of their visitors.
  • Search engines remember the search data of users according to I.P. address. It is possible for someone to find out your interests or your plans based on the keywords you have been searching for on a search engine.

2) How can the violations mentioned in the previous question be avoided or minimized ?

  • The Hong Kong Government has launched the "STEPS" campaign to contain the problem of spamming. They organise seminars, conferences and exhibitions to promote the latest anti-spam technical solutions to all users.
  • Opt-in model - Businesses do not collect/use any personal information unless the consumer specifically takes action to approve information collection and use (e.g. by checking a box).
  • Opt-out model - Businesses can collect/use personal information until the consumer specifically requests that the data not be collected (e.g. by un-checking a box on a form).

2009年3月6日 星期五

Group Assignment: Post # 4

Logistics companies such as FedEx and UPS no longer merely carry goods from one place to another. Some of them also provide supply chain planning and management services to their customers and help them manage their supply chain information. Investigate the web site of FedEx OR UPS to see how these companies’ services may be used for supply chain management. Then, answer the following questions:

a) What supply chain processes can each of these companies support for their clients ?

In fedex's website, we have noted that under e-business column.
eSupply Chain Tools is provided by them including Inventory visibility, Manufacturing visibility, Warehouse management and Return management.

Inventory visibiltiy
Using the Internet to access and maintain inventory and warehouse management information. Keeping track of the shipping record and the detials of the goods.

Manufacturing visibility
An innovative slution to manage one's inbound supply chain. Keeping track of inbound shipment of componenets and raw matrials via the Internet. The system capable of data management, forecasting of lead times, and the compariosn of forecast versus ordered products.

Warehouse Management
This system mainly provide invertory and warehouse management. Acting as administrative role and making report for the inventory. Data can be excahgned within the system.

Return management
An Internet-based post sales system for handling returns, repairs and replacements with a superior level of after- sale service.

b) How can customers use the Web sites of each company to help them with supply chain management ?

Supply Chain Management means the process of planning, implementing and controllling the operations of the supply chain with the purpose to satisfy customer requirements as efficiently as possible.

Fedex provides Supply chain execution system for their customers such as Warehouse management, Order processing and distribution.

We can take a order by simply following the steps stated in the website.
And we can distribute the prodcuts by them to diffent areas.

They act as distributor in the SCM system.

FedEx | 香港

FedEx | 香港

2009年3月3日 星期二

Group Assignment: Post # 3

Q.1 Try any one of these decision support systems and describe two examples of decisions which they may help to support. For each decision, describe whether the decision would be made by operational, middle or senior management levels :

* Break-even Calculator

* Online Customer Lifetime Value Calculator (from Harvard Business School)

* Hong Kong Yellow Pages Online Map

* HSBC Mortgage Planner

Q.2 Next, try out the different modules within the
OpenBravo ERP demo. After you've familiarized yourself with these tools, identify which module can be used to handle each step within the Order-to-Cash business process below:

* Accept/Enter Order

* Order Acknowledgement

* Purchase Materials

* Receive Materials

* Production

* Packing

* Shipping

* Invoicing and Collection

Q.3 Which departments need to coordinate from start to finish of the Order-to-Cash business process ? Describe how the ERP software makes their work easier. Also explain why ERP software can serve as the foundation or platform for decision support systems.

Break-even analysis aims to find out the point
at which your product stops costing you money
to produce and sell, and starts to generate a profit for your company

Q.1 Break even analysis

Break even analysis depends on the following variables:

1. The fixed production costs for a product.
2. The variable production costs for a product.
3. The product's unit price.
4. The product's expected unit sales [sometimes called projected sales.]

One of the example is to calculate at which sales volume the variable and fixed costs of producing your product will be recovered. Another example is to look at the break-even point at which your product stops costing you money to produce and sell, and starts to generate a profit for your company.

I recommend the senior management to make the decision making. It is because if there is something go wrong in the forecasting, the business would be facing bankruptcy.

Question 3 Answer

Sales and Marketing, Accounting and Finance, and Human Resources department need to coordinate from start to finish of the Order-to-Cash business process.

ERP software allows a company to automate and integrate the majority of its business processes. Secondly, it shares common data and practices across the enterprise. Thirdly, it allows the same data to be used by multiple functions and business processes. Finally, it produces and accesses information in a real-time environment.

2009年3月2日 星期一

Group Assignment: Post # 2

Group Assignment: Post # 2

This week we learned how B.I. tools (business intelligence) allow businesses to get more value and insight out of their databases.

  1. Visit the OLAP Service Online Demo and design three different grid reports using at least three dimensions per report. Each report must have at least one measure which is being analyzed along the chosen dimensions.

    • You may choose from any of the dimensions found along the left-hand side of the demo: Customer, Date, Employee, Delivery Date, Product, Reseller, Employee, etc.

    • You may choose from any of the measures under Internet Sales, Reseller Sales or Sales Summary (found along the left-hand side of the demo).

  2. Post the following content on your blog regarding the grid reports you've designed:

    • A screen capture of a section of the report which shows the included dimensions and measure(s);

    • An explanation of the insights contained in the report and how these insights can be used by the company to understand their performance or make better decisions;

  3. Describe the benefits of allowing users to query a data warehouse in the form of an OLAP cube through their Web browser.

Q1 & 2 Ans

Report 1:

In the report “Gross Profit by Date by Sales Channel by Product”, we can compare the gross profit in different sales channel. By doing this, we can find the suitable sales channel for our products. Then we can put more resources and supporting on those products’ sales channel and gain more.

Report 2:

Through the report “Discount Amount by Geography by Date by Product”, we can understand which country we’ve offer most discount. That mean there might have some problems in that country regarding our product’s quality, shipment or marketing activities that couldn’t fulfill customer needs. Then we have to offer a discount to customer and keep the order.

Report 3

By reading the report “Sales Amount by Date by Geography by Sales Channel by Product”, we can find out the most effective sales channel also the most popular product in each country. So we can organize the suitable marketing activities on right country, right sales channel and right product.

Q3 Ans

The benefits of allowing users to query a data warehouse in the form of an OLAP cube through their Web browser are shown as below:

The OLAP cube can be analyzed data according to 3 dimensions, then user can view the data in different ways or different dimensions.

User interact with OLAP cubes through Web browser, so that they can run queries and print reports interactively.

2009年2月26日 星期四

Group Assignment: Post # 1

Canno creates a blog in yahoo to attract those guy who loves to take photos.They can post their own blog there to share their nice photos. And they can enjoy the benefits provided by Canon as well.

Interactive advertisement:
Venetian has posted an advertisment about their special package on Valentine's date.Users can simply click the advertisement in yahoo webpage and driect to Ventian. In their webpage, it can make revesation there directly.It is a kind of online partnership since Venettian has to paid for Yahoo for the advertisement.

Rss feed also appeared in their webite. By clicking the RSS feed box, we can choose our favourite information to see only. No need to waste time for seeing those content which is not interested.
In RSS feed of Venetian Macao, it has total 3 different categories to choose as below:http://www.venetianmacao.com/en/show/rss
To subscribe to The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel's News & Offers
To subscribe to The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel's Party Packages & Suite Packages
To subscribe to The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel's Business Events

Search engine:
Google is the most famous serach engine in the world.By typing what you want to seacrh in the search column, any webpage/photos/newsgroup will be found.

In Google, by typing IT in search bar, a link of advertisement will be shown as below:
IBM - 中小企方案
IBM 為中小企提供業務及IT基建方案

Social networking
Nowadays, many on-line users will have facebook account. Once you open an acount, you can invite all of your friends in your page.In the menatime, you can meet your friends's friends too or some guys which have similar interest to you.

In facebook,UA finanace posted an ad on facebook,by clicking on the ad, it will direct you to a html page of a applicattion from of loan money.

We found a BBC radio widgets from Yahoo.The widgets shape like a I-phone.We can listen the BBC radio, choosing from different language and 24 hrs news in UK in this widgets.